Move over Nedpodder!

Hah! My first podcast is waiting for you...

Yup, having discovered that I'm already listed on some podcast directories, simply by virtue of having posted links to my mp3 files on this blog, I've decided to bite the bullet and make a real podcast.

And the content?

Well, you'll have to click through to find out, won't you!

Recently, I reported that the Jazzrascals had been revived, and that Pete Condor and I have been working together again after a long haitus. Well, to put it in a nutshell, the sun shines out of that man's big black arse!

It's such a relief to have someone whose ears I respect sit in front of all this technology and say 'sounds good to me'. The experience is galvanising my approach to the 50th Anniversary Edition, although more of that anon.

Anyway, we've been jamming away the last couple of weeks, and I've been so interested in the creative process that we've developed over the years that I really wanted to expose how the music comes together. I know, it must be the pedant in me, but I've made my first podcast just to show how Pete and I tend to develop a track.

So, without further ado, please feel free to download and enjoy:

Jazzrascals new jam

BTW, I gave advice and training on the building of earlier this year and they've been podcasting furiously ever since. i thought it was time I caught up - hence the title of this post.